Now we have everything

By Gembop


Twelve years after my last appointment I finally saw a dentist today. Thank you to the NHS and its free pregnancy dental care for the kick up the backside to go- better now than when I'm in agony with tooth ache.

The good news is that the dentist was pleasantly surprised. She said I'd clearly taken care of my teeth (!) and just needed to replace two white fillings.

She's also recommended I have one of my wisdom teeth out once I've had the baby (as they'll need to xray) because it'll cause over crowding in my mouth.

Interestingly she also said that I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep, something Robin nor I have noticed, so I'm getting a shield made. Apparently it's common for pregnant women to attack their teeth that way!

Bleeding gums is another pregnancy symptom, and one I'd not really experienced yet. When the dentist (brutally) attacked my mouth she caught my gum with her drill a few times, and then said 'your gums are bleeding, but that'll be the pregnancy.' Er, no, that'll be your violent tendencies!

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