Both Ways!

I woke to the moon and the mist so jumped out of bed, fed the animals and myself and hurtled down into the village to hopefully get the moon above the viaduct. Silly me - mist blanketing everything down there! But I waited to see if it would lift. There was another woman in her PJ's and with a mobile phone taking photos as well! Brrr! I had multiple layers, puffy long jacket, gloves and a scarf! We chatted until her friend arrived and told her a pot of tea was brewing in their kitchen! The mist did lift but sadly no moon to be seen and I had the allotment girls to let out! I waited for the train to cross the viaduct then left.Just as I neared the allotment I saw the sun - so instead of doing a left  turn to the allotment I did a right back to the village. Again the mist was blocking it down there! 
It was lovely on the allotment - I could see the mist lying along the river and the higher ground being bathed in sunlight from the blue sky! I watched the girls pecking at the greens I'd given them and just basked in the beauty of ....everything! 
I spent the time between going back up to put the girls to bed pottering and doing more things from my mental list! Cleaned the fish tank, did the coop bill for the last 4 months - never a job I look forward to as it means delving through my bank account online to see when one member last paid up and by how much - she never fully pays up each time I send out a bill! I then froze all the fruit I had bought to make smoothies - I have no idea why I didn't do this the day I bought the fruit - slicing them up and putting them on trays in the freezer really took no time at all! I saved some fruit and made myself a red smoothie with greek yogurt and almond milk - oh double whammy - tasted good and will do me good! I then did a little pootling in the garden - cutting back plants, talking to Tilly and Polly. The lemon tree I had put outside in the hope it would revive itself after a winter of under watering and lets face it near death, has begun to show the tiniest of green shoots up the trunk - so I got a hacksaw and took off the hard upper branches and brought it inside before the frosts deal it the final coup de grace! This time it went in the conservatory rather than the upstairs spare bedroom where I will forget to water it once more! 
Back to the allotment in the sunshine - whilst the girls ate their bedtime mixed corn I pootled on the allotment - I have more courgettes and squash to harvest! It's been a fine year for them! I cleared the pea bed and covered it in cardboard and inspected the pitifully small orange beetroots - not a great success! When I looked up from clearing the path to my bonfire heap there was an incredible fiery sunset across the sky! 
An evening spent watching Masterchef Australia where Heston Blumenthal did an egg masterclass - ideal! He used an egg topper to get the top clean off a boiled egg! Who knew such a thing existed? I promptly bought one from Lakeland! Since I have finished knitting my fingerless mittens I have started back on my sock yarn blanket and tonight started my neck wrap again. It came out the right width but not length and I have not been happy with it. So with the second ball of wool that was left (!!!) I tonight started to lengthen it! The woman who I bought the pattern and wool from is at the Stitch fest in Totnes in November  - I saw her at the Bovey Tracey fair and told her of my problem - she was nonplussed! So I shall take the completed wrap to show her! No pressure to get it done then!

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