Rays Of Light At The Nova, London

The Nova is a building complex I walk past in Victoria on the way to work each day. It was completed earlier this year and has just won the prestigious Carbuncle Of The Year Award for ugliest architecture of 2017. Personally, I've grown to quite like it. It's completely out of scale to it's surroundings but I quite like it's brash vulgarity - at leat it isn't boring or deadly, which is what I would call the horrible flats slowly encircling the iconic Battersea power station. Whoever allowed those to go up should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves because they are a complete eyesore.
Today's shot is one of of the pedestrianised "streets" that runs through the complex which, because of the height of the buildings, produces these wonderful rays of light in the early morning. The rust coloured glass cabinets contain these very weird sand-like sculptures - they can look quite eerie in certain light!

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