Time to reflect

It was my mother’s cousin’s funeral this morning. She was a lovely lady, 95, who had been a loyal and hardworking member of her Methodist church.

My cousin and I had to organise things from a distance (she from the Lakes and me from Staffordshire, although she did far more than me.) The minister had not expected many people to attend and had said that it wasn’t necessary for us to provide refreshments.

No way. We weren’t going to mark this important moment without cake. So my cousin made biscuits, a delicious lemon and orange drizzle and a carrot cake and I supplied a Victoria sandwich and a coffee and walnut. Auntie Betty always loved a slice of cake.

There was a very good number of people at the service, people who had loved her and wanted to pay their respects. Staff from the nursing home, members of the church, neighbours and friends.

It was very moving.

And the M6 and M62 were cooperative. It was a beautiful day and we all arrived in plenty of time. A service in her Methodist Church, and then a very emotional burial in the same plot as her wonderful parents.....

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