A time for everything

By turnx3

Afternoon shadows

The high temperature today only reached about 12 F, so I did my main exercise inside to an exercise DVD, but it was a sunny afternoon so I did go out for a short walk around Pioneer Park - dressed in several layers, thick winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves. I was glad I did get out - it was quite a picture with the dusting of snow, snow-covered lake, and afternoon shadows. We've still had very little snow here, though the north of the state has had a lot - they get the lake-effect snow from Lake Erie. The most we've had is about an inch or so. We were originally supposed to get more yesterday, but the system went just to the north of us, leaving us just with another dusting. Tonight the temperature is falling to around -2 F - the coldest temperature we've had in a couple of years.

I've been watching the coverage of the plane crash into the Hudson River in New York - such a miracle that everyone made it out safely, with just a few cases of hypothermia and one or two injuries. Praise God! I was amazed how calmly some of the passengers were able to talk about it, so soon after the event. They were talking to one guy just now, who was on a bus on his way back to La Guardia to get on another plane back home. I think that must take some courage to get on a plane again so soon after an experience like that.

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