Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Art attack

Its been a few weeks but I finally got down to some painting again today :o)

Went along to mum's art group with her which was really good. Its not a class as such, more of a gathering of people who like to do their own thing while having a bit of a goss, a cuppa and some biscuits. :o) Totally up my street! lol It has a professional artist-in-residence too, a friend of my mums called Nicola MacDonell, who does amazing work. (check out her online site at I always feel quite embarassed when she looks at the mess I'm making! But shes so lovely and friendly and always says encouraging things, and its incredible to watch her work - I so wish I had even a tiny bit of that talent!

Because most of my own stuff is in Edinburgh, I'm continuing a painting that I started the last time I was up here - and as it was so long ago now I was a bit apprehensive about what I was going to do. really couldn't remember what my original plan had been! But once I started I got really into it. Still no closer to actually being finished.....I'm hoping that over the next few days I'll work out what its going to be!

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