Ups and Downs

Whenever I fly to and from Las Vegas, I always choose a window seat because most times we are treated to spectacular views.  I have flown over the Grand Canyon, the Hoover Dam, amazing topography over Southern Utah and today I was treated to this over Northwestern Arizona.  It isn’t the best as it was taken through a very dirty plane window, but you get the idea.  We had started our descent into Las Vegas, and this was just before we crossed over the Hoover Dam. Highway 93 is crossing the image and the tiny specks of cars give you some perspective. 

As anticipated, I ran into problems at the Las Vegas airport.  We left the DC metro area about 1.5 hours before Air Force One left with Trump aboard.  I thought for sure I would be able to get in and out before he arrived, but his big 747 clearly moves a lot faster than our little Southwest 737 and he arrived just after we got off the plane.  Once the president lands and remains at the airport, security measures dictate that all activity on the tarmac and runways stop.  So, as a result, I waited 1 hour for my baggage because all the baggage handlers’ work had to stop.

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