string cleaning

Every so often I have to change the strings on my guitar.  They don’t last forever.  I’ve got to age where I have to consider a lighter gauge than I usually use.  The fingers don’t work quite as well as they used to.  

I’m not alone in this - I was in a guitar shop recently looking at £3000+ vintage acoustics (just looking mind) and the owner said “I get a lot of people your age wanting one of these but they want lighter strings ‘cos they’ve got arthritis in their fingers…”

Anniemay comes in from the gym and looks over my shoulder at this image, sweat dripping onto my desk.  “What do you think?”  I ask.   “It’s a bit dusty.  Didn’t you clean it first?”

I didn’t notice, but now she mentions it I feel compelled to do something about it.  Too late to reshoot, so I resort to the cloning tool.  Shame you can’t use this for housework.

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