Beautiful Baby Oliver

I've got a headache, and work has ben all pressure again, but there was a good bit. A visit from Donna and her husband with their new baby Oliver, who is just over a week old I think. He was tiny, anyway, and a beautiful bundle of gorgeousness! I love babies, so was in there for a cuddle. Definitely the highlight of my day! Thank you Donna, I felt the stress just evaporating as I cuddled him.

So in the office at 8, left at 5.15 and home an hour later. Some washing done, and then sat with Henry looking at the options available for him next year. He wants to do engineering and ideally an apprenticeship but I don't know any companies around here that might offer one. Its going to take some research.

Quick facetime with Mollie, and hopefully mum and dad will come over for it. Then I need my bed.

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