
It was a wet Sunday morning – quite a contrast to the beautiful morning of yesterday.  BB went to church with friends.  I had planned to go for a run, but I got soaked just going to the bin, so decided against it.  Instead I did a supermarket shop and baked while he was gone.  Once he was home I encouraged him to practice his cello and to finish his homework project.  He eventually did both.

Just as I was about to make lunch, he was invited to spend the afternoon with a friend – which he accepted!  That then gave me the opportunity for a  run – as the rain was almost off, but the wind had got up.  I was glad when I reached the home straight and the wind was behind me.  I made good use of the better weather and got some washing dried.  I also fitted in a quick walk to pick up a few things from the shops that I couldn’t get this morning.  BB ended up having tea at L’s, so I started to catch up with Cold Feet, which I hadn’t even realised was back on TV.

BB was delivered home safely, and went straight in the shower, but wanted to wait up until TT came home.

Overall it has been a nice lazy Sunday for me. 

Thanks for all your kind words, stars and hearts for yesterday’s poppies – unseasonal loveliness.  In contrast our town is looking very autumnal today.

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