Blydoit Fish

The wind has been blowing all day, showers all day and heavy at times, but there was some sunshine in the morning.

I have a few days more holidays, and slept well this morning.  After breakfast, I managed a walk with Sammy.  I had planned to move furniture into the house today, but with the showers, I passed.  Popped into town before lunch, and then went down to Cunningsburgh to see mam.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by before tea, and then off to work in the pub for a few hours.  Feet will be up with the telly tonight.

Wondering what to have for tea tonight, and it had to be fresh haddock!  There was plenty of fish on holiday, but I never tried any.  So I popped over to the local fish shop and got some healthy fillets, yummy.  Taken at Blydoit Fish Shop, East Voe, Scalloway. 

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