Chaucer in bronze

When I was at college we read The Canterbury Tales, in the original Middle English, and I still have the huge book that I used then. At one stage during the course we were taken to London and followed what was supposedly the Pilgrim’s Way to Canterbury. I don’t remember much of that, but I was pleased to see this statue today.

So, this is obviously not Florence where we were supposed to be, but close. We are staying for a couple of nights in a quirky old hotel right in the middle of Canterbury and have had a lovely day today, just wandering as tourists. 

Avoiding the Cathedral, which is the only bit we have been to before, we discovered that there is a lot to the city, besides the Cathedral to which everyone flocks. We walked along the walls, looked at many old and, rather beautiful, buildings, sat in the sunshine by the river and finally found a fascinating Roman museum, built around the remains of an original Roman town house with exquisite mosaics. I had no idea that there was once such a huge and magnificent Roman city beneath the present one, much of the evidence for which was found when bombed out buildings were examined after the Second World War. 

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