Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Arthur in the kitchen.

As a much loved treasured tom cat, Arthur has a very good life with Paul and me. Arthur is affectionate and good natured and  he wakes me up most mornings for a second breakfast.
He is currently doing a spot of bird watching. A family of rooks have recently taken up residence in our street and tend to compete with the regular starling population when I feed them each morning. Arthur loves to watch them, eyes sparkling and his tail swishing to and fro.
He is not eating much at present, so I am concerned, to say the least.
We take him to regular vet check ups and he is on Metacam drops each morning for his back leg arthritis. He also has a few bad teeth and next visit they said he could, for about £100 plus, have his teeth cleaned and checked. Thankful Paul has the means to pay for this. Leaving him overnight at the vet will be emotionally challenging for me, but I will do it, as he could do without pain. As the wind is strong and cold and the weather pattern changeable, I have been getting on with housework and the washing and drying.
Have a good week blipper friends.

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