
By Paladian

What is it?

Back to normal today - no more bodybuilders, at least for the time being.

Please, please can someone tell me what this is? I've just spent a very frustrating hour on the Internet trying to identify it, but I suspect it's because I don't know the right words to search by.

This is the best image I could get, but at least you get to see the long antenna, and the dots and dashes - maybe I should just christen it the morse code bug.

It, and its rather large family, are sitting on top of my miniature pine tree, sucking away at the new shoots. Unfortunately I think they got to recognise the ground shaking every time I went to try and get a better picture, because eventually they scuttled away as soon as I got near.

UPDATE: Thanks to Mollyblobs it would appear it is an Austral Ellipsidion Cockroach - nymph. I'll get confirmation from the Museum during the next few days, but by the images I have now found on the web, I'm certain Ms Molly has it right.

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