A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Sunday Slumping*

*stolen with pride from PhilippaJ. Applies well to our hippo dog from the pool to the sofa. And I managed to get a suitable amount in my day too. Partly under the guise of helping J with his homework as I refreshed my memory of An Inspector Calls by rewatching the 2015 TV version.

There was other homework stuff too that I thoroughly enjoyed and just makes me wish I was at school and a lovely autumnal dog walk and a full on Sunday roast beef with all the trimmings. And lots of piano as J prepares for a meeting with the school music teacher in the morning. And an actually reasonably well rested sleepover girl back in the fold. Oh, and a breakthrough on the mouth guards...a minor adjustment and we seem to have one that she can tolerate.

Lesley x

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