london bridges

I dont do selfies. I don't like my picture taken either. Today i made an exception as I was walking the London bridges for diabetes UK.
we started out from the bandstand in Battersea park an ended at Minster Court just beyond Tower of London. 15.25 km in 3.33 hours. Over 3000 people were registered to take part.
Part way through the toe  joints on both my feet hurt like the blazes. No idea why. 
The shot is the starting line and the extra is after we had finished and because hubby walked all the way with me he was given a meddle too.At the finish we were offered a cup of coffee and a gluten free snack. Bothewere very welcome.
I have raise £140 which is far less than the swim 22 I did in the spring but better than nothing. Folk are so generous especially as many charities are doing this kind of thing theses days.

Then when we got home we set to and picked a third of the pears and poached them in red wine. More to do tomorrow

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