A night...

... on the town.

This evening we had a belated celebration of our dear friend Js birthday. I booked for us all to visit the Sky Garden in the ‘walkie talkie’ tower in London. Entry to the Sky Garden is free (although you do have to book) and you get a 360 view of London. We had a lovely wander round before having (an expensive) drink. Then we headed off to Covent Garden where I had booked into a lovely Mexican restaurant that we have been to before. It is very popular and was packed. They also play music.... far too loud..... think we are getting old. But the food was good.

We had a wander around Covent Garden (blip) and headed towards Leicester Square , as it started to rain so we popped into a pub (more loud music) for a night cap before we headed home.

A lovely evening.

I have included a collage of some from the Sky Garden.

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