
By sas05

trusty steed

life and times of a mcdonalds truck driver.... sunday,, last day on.... day started as it always does.. around the round table with other PM drivers... have to say what a bunch of characters.. we have politicians.. theological gurus,, surfer dude and even a ex SAS squadddie...todays deliberations were dealt out by our resident high flyer phil "mecavity" shakespeare and his views on religion. one just sits back and enjoys this master craftsman of vocal fireworks pontificate.. something to behold. .. if only the world would entrust its well being to us drivers we would have it in utopia in no time at all. the canteen has seen many a good man go through its doors,, one i remember well was Gordon "im slower than you " glaholm... funny ole boy who practiced his warfare with management in a permanent work to that guy must have ate the company rule book for brekkie.. used to drive the management bonkers,, he was a one man wrecking crew on the KPI`s bless him... his canteen antics were something else ... he used to like salt with his dinner...everything.. including salad had copious amounts of salt tipped on it....if you listened very closely you could actually hear his arteries hardening...if he exhaled too hard im sure dust would be expelled.. his humour was in keeping with his diet..amyway to present day,, here i am pictured here in front of my i am now signing off for today ,, three days off..happy camping campers.

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