Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Annual lace day

Our group held its 36th lace day today. Like any major event (for our group) there is a lot of planning for the day (usually started the year before). Although we hold it at the same place, same time of year, you can never guarantee that it will be a success. Tickets can be purchased in advance but can be also purchased on the day.

The day started early, up early to pack the car before making sure I arrive by around 8:30 (I had the important things - tea/coffee). We had booked a general supplier, a bobbin maker as well as items to purchase from the Lace Society. There was some concern that we didn't have enough stalls but in the end what we had was enough. Whilst lace supplies are sometimes hard to find and it is good to see /touch the items direct, there is always online shopping (not as good as the real thing).

Our speaker this year had been recommended by our previous years speaker. It is also good to get feedback from a members personal experience of hearing a talk, this is not always possible and there is a tendency to be apprehensive. We did not have to worry this year, Alison was a great speaker, keeping us all entertained with history facts and details of "what the best dressed Georgian woman wore". Rather than use a model, she uses her dummy to show the layering of the clothes, talking about the financial status being indicated in the type of clothing you wore.

As you can tell, it was a great talk - which ended a great lace day for our group. Finally left at 5pm, home for a relaxing evening . :)


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