A room with a view

An exciting afternoon as my cousin Loz arrived for the week! He's much more like a brother really...I am SO pleased to have this next week with him! 
Asha & I left the Hampson boys napping and went to Loz & my folks (who arrive in about 30 minutes) house in the Old Town. It is utterly amazing...behind a little door I've walked past 100 times...full of character and nooks and crannies...plus a little pool! This is the view from the lounge.
After a good nosey round we went down into town for a bite to eat & a good catch up. Loz is a pilot and has just got his first job...so lots of talk on where in the world he might be based & how it's all going. Lovely to be joined later by Danny & Nate.
We did a food shop for the house, cooked a late tea, read stories to Asha (Loz), sat with a hierbas and talked. 
Looking forward to seeing my folks in the morning!

Drama of the day;
Nate being a bit of a grump - teeth related I think...poor boy...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing how much Asha loves Uncle Loz.
2) Asha's big hug she gave me after I fixed something she thought was permanently broken.
3) Danny being so on it today...cleaning, tidying, shopping, collecting my parents from the airport... Thankyou Danny!

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