Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

The Lightening Tree

This specimen looks like it has been hit and more or less killed off by lightening. With the moody sky behind it, it looks rather foreboding.

Its been a pc intensive weekend. My dad phoned on Friday all rather upset and disturbed. When he logged onto his pc he got a screen entitled Metropolitan Police and saying he'd been a naughty boy downloading music and all kinds of stuff and that if he didn't pay up £100 immediately hr was going to be found and prosecuted. For a 78 year old, this was all rather worrying. It took me 20 minutes to calm him down and get him to understand that this was a virus and nothing to worry about.

So, a while researching this particular nasty and than travelled up there Saturday to see what I could do to fix it. Well, of course, it's never as easy as it first seems. The common problem of the shell being hi-jacked in the registry didn't seem to be the problem. Only one account was affected. On another account I was able to get in and search the registry but found nothing to it was down to a virus check. That found the offending program that caused the hijacking but his logon still doesn't start windows explorer. Any ideas gratefully received. I'd rather not do a full windows reinstall.

Back to the tree - This was next to today's football pitch in Kenilworth. Jon's team got off to another poor start conceding 2 goals in the first fifteen minutes. But, after that, they fought back to 2-1. They let in another goal despite bossing the second half entirely. They were unlucky to not get 2 goals and a penalty. they're getting a bot of confidence and are beginning to listen to the coach on tactics. Sometime soon, they will get a win.

The rest of the day has been trying to get a Windows virtual machine running W7 on my MBP. Got the OS installed but can't get it to see and access USB and external drives so that I can load some of my legacy Windows programs. This might take some while, or, alternatively, I'll go the bootcamp multi-boot partition route.

Not sure where yesterdays blip is - I think that camera is in the car. I'll back blip in the next day or two.

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