Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Memory, enlarged

I've had such a lovely day, even if birthdays now mean ever advancing decrepitude. An amazing number of lovely messages, presents chosen with care and imagination, choice bubbly awaiting me even as I type this - and this, the present I chose, the idea I've had for months since seeing the photos I took on Crete in May.

So here is a favourite - the hill above the ancient city of Polirinia in Western Crete, with the dusty track leading up through the marvellous springtime bushes towards the improbably blue sky of a Cretan spring day. Mr PB, whose present this is, had it enlarged and mounted on canvas, collected it today, and clambered precariously to measure and align it on the wall facing our bed. It will be the last thing I see at night and the first in the morning, and I love it.

As for today - I indulged myself with a long lie, a pottering on social media (now there's a surprise), a lovely walk and a sense of having no responsibilities whatsoever. 

And now ... cheers!

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