Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Samson's riddle

Back in Kos town this afternoon, we had a very nice coffee by Hippocrates tree and whiled away the time watching a cat with her 4 tiny kittens charming all comers.
The top picture here is of the mosque, built in 1786 and badly damaged during the July 21st earthquake. Much of the stone used to build the mosque came from the ancient sites in the area, don't think that would be allowed these days.
The lower picture in the collage is what the title alludes to. Since 21st July, a swarm of bees has moved into one of the damaged window openings and created a huge amount of honeycomb.
The last time I saw wild bees swarmed like this was in India, around Fahtepur Sikri and the Taj Mahal.
Talking of wild things, I saw my first ever wild snake today, only about 1- 2 cm diameter, but around 18" long, black and very fast. I've looked it up but hadn't really enough information to identify it.

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