China Lights.... Boerner Botanical Gardens. The three of us--my daughter, granddau. & I-- went last year, although the little one slept in her stroller through most of it! We thought, being a little older this year, that she'd really like it.....WRONG!  She started out just fine, but wanted to run up to the different structures and touch them, and of course they were all roped off so that no one could do that. After about the 3rd time of Jennie redirecting her, she had a nuclear meltdown!! Threw herself down on the ground screaming! So Jennie picked her up and took her back to the car, where she put her in her stroller and then brought her back. As soon as I spotted her I knew she wasn't happy about being in the stroller, & as soon as SHE spotted ME, she (with great drama, I may add)  threw her arms out toward me, sobbing "Grandma, Grandma, UP"!  (meaning "get me out of this rotten stroller"!)  Jennie told her she wasn't getting out of the stroller so not to ask grandma for help, which set her off again, although at least it only lasted a few minutes! In between, I did manage to get some pictures, but none of Jennie and the little one because as soon as I'd point the camera at my granddau.,  she'd start yelling "No! No! No!  and covering her face. I just had to laugh, as they don't call them the "terrible twos" for nothing! (I also put a couple other pics in the extras.)   :))

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