
We gave the allotment a miss and, instead, chanced the weather to allow us to complete a walk we have not taken before, to the other side of the southern washlands nature corridor.

The first half of the walk is a path much followed, as is the end, but the middle takes us to the other side of Kirkthorpe weir and back through 'Half Moon' woods to the Ashfields.

The weather was dull and damp. The river banks showed the damage of recent floods and the rank smell of broken himalayan balsam filled the air. The paths were muddy and slippery and Tess was soon, once more, covered in muck and splather.

Lovely walk really, the river is high and I had a play with the camera at the weir. Hand-held was a little tricky in the poor light, this is my best effort.

The woods were full of sweet chestnuts blown down, prematurely, by the winds and rain. No-one else about save a solitary runner.

We got home just before the rain returned.

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