Colour Waves

Blipping a day late, again!
I snuck out past sleeping bodies in the morning...the guys had a late night at Pacha...
After the school pick up we drove to the beach by the Salt Flats...can you spot Asha & Tex? 
Later we had Caña Club, everyone had visitors, so we were a pretty large crowd! They all had tickets to the DJ awards, so went off there later. Our lovely friend Graham Sahara won Best Ibiza DJ!! I'm so pleased for him!

Drama of the day;
Asha being totally inconsolable about Texas leaving. She sobbed and sobbed for at least an hour tonight...poor love...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finally writing a card I've been meaning to write for ages.
2) A brilliant Caña Club tonight...with lots of stimulating chat.
3) Graham winning best DJ...well deserved!

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