Right Up The Middle

When PD was delivered this morning it was with a pair of 'boots' (think neoprene mitts without the thumbs and held on with Velcro straps)
These are to protect his paws when walking on rough/hard surfaces.

Since we were walking round the wet fields this morning (and his boots were still wet) he didn't wear the boots and the way he had a mad few minutes on the chipped bark at the playpark you would never know he had arthritis and sore paws (the stuff is like catnip to him). 

The camera club has a year long programme of weekly challenges.
One of the subjects is 3 pictures with a link.
So today I headed off with SWMBO to South Queensferry to get the first of the 3 shots.
I wanted a slightly different view of the new bridge.
Looking through them there seems to be a count down going on.......
Starting at 4 (there is no 5 in what I took) 
3 ................ 3 .................3  (sorry - I seem to have a stutter)
0 (but the old bridge seemed to get in the way)   

Since the old bridge got in on the act I went and took a traditional shot of it and then wandered down to take this one which felt very strange standing in the fast lane to take.

Heading back up to car I was taken with the lovely colourful leaves .... and then I saw the berries................... Wow! - the pink berries and the orange seeds --- amazing.  I need to find out what they are!

On the afternoon walk PD had his boots on so he could go for his longer walk.
Twice he managed to get one of them to twist round and I had to refit it.
At the halfway mark the bugger took off into the river. 
He refused to come out and went up and down and back and forth for ages.
When he came out he was delighted.... wagging his tail and looking really chuffed with himself -- and missing a boot!
He had obvious;y been determined that he was getting rid of at least one of them and so had been using the stones in the river to that end.
He didn't look too happy when he got a bollocking though.
A new pair has been ordered and will arrive some time tomorrow.
He doesn't get away with it that easily!

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