Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Good try, Archie

We took Christine and Rufus out for lunch to thank her for looking after Archie. Several places in town were considered, but we ended up with our local restaurant, the Rabbit Hole. No buses needed.

We set off ambling down the road, Archie in his hated going out 'Embra Dug' bandana, and Rufus in his tartan harness. However, by the time we were in the restaurant we noticed that Archie was bandana-less! Where was it? Did he niftily undo the knot and discard it in the gutter? JR went out to search the streets nearby, with no luck.

After a pleasant lunch and wine, I wandered home, while the others took the dogs for a wander round the Meadows. Lo and behold - what did I spy - his bandana still on the pavement! Yay!

Needless to say, when he came home and I told him it wasn’t lost, he was not at all happy. Look at that look! Hilarious.

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