Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

All saints

The whole flippin' lot of 'em! Well, that's what it says anyway.
This is another icon by the doors at the medical centre in Skop Town. I think it's rather lovely. It is very small, about the size of a smartphone screen, which is why I can't get it any sharper than this no matter how I try.
If anybody would care to try to identify which is which they may be my guest.

The patching-up staff at the medical centre told me that had I availed myself of their services on Sunday I would have benefited by a stitch or two but by now it was too late for that. No matter, it looked clean enough and as long as I wasn't an idiot everything would be fine. A new dressing, to be replaced on Wednesday, some painkillers and an instruction not to walk on it. 

I'm on my holidays then :-)

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