Today's Special

By Connections


On September 24, I enjoyed not only one of these homemade macarons -- one of 350, in a variety of flavors! -but also a musical work hitherto unknown to me: Hector Berlioz's evocative Les nuits d'été (Summer Nights), Op. 7.

The 30-minute song cycle, a setting of six poems by Théophile Gautier, is about the progress of love, from youthful innocence to loss and renewal [Wikipedia].

Soprano Sherri Kahn, a member of the Whatcom Chorale and president of the chorale's board, volunteered to put on this concert as a fundraiser for the organization -- a very generous offer! A small chamber orchestra accompanied Sherri, adding to the beauty of her expressive performance. She generously donated the proceeds of the concert to the chorale.

Judy Barton's gift of 350 homemade macarons for the post-concert reception was equally well received by the concert-goers. My role was to post the concert information on a variety of websites. Other chorale members donated artwork for the lovely posters, created and posted the posters and other publicity materials, sold tickets, and greeted audience members at the door, among the many pre-concert activities.

It's a joy to be part of this wonderful group of singers!

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