It's quite handy having Sue call by to check on the seedlings growing in the shed. I've been able to identify quite a few of the plants that grow at Wombat Hollow. Sue knows everything!! I really admire people who can sprout off the botanical names of plants and believe me I haven't been able to catch Sue out yet. This exquisite flower, Poranthera corymbosa is quite tiny, hence I have taken it for today's Tiny Tuesday Challenge. it grows quite happily at Wombat Hollow and reliably flowers every spring.
A big thank you to Loizbiz from Portland Oregon for hosting Tiny Tuesday during September.
I have been put in charge of the watering of the Blue Mountains Conservation Society Seedlings for the next two weeks. Yikes, what a responsibility. I was given a lesson in how to care for them yesterday by Sue who quite happily calls herself a control freak. I can tell you I'll be visiting the shed on a more than regular basis to make sure none of the pass away while Sue's on holidays.
It's a glorious day at Wombat Hollow today. Not a breath of breeze, we really did need a break from the horrible winds we've been having.
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