Wet West Paddlefest 2012 - Day #2 - The River Garry.

In the Top Playhole... as it's known.

Some better light today, but as there was plenty water about, there were fewer kayakers this year. What I mean by that is, because there was plenty recent rainfall, a lot of other rivers to the South of here, were sufficiently high for good kayaking. The River Moriston and Garry were guaranteed to have sufficient water, as they have dams that were to release water this weekend. The other rivers can only be (safely... if that's the right word) paddled when conditions suite. As many of the other rivers are also on the way home for most folk, they chose to do them whilst they'd the chance.

Was somewhat weary after yesterday, and didn't perform as well as I'd have liked today. Basically just not fit enough, because of sciatica issues forcing me to take things easy for the last couple of months. Now follows several nights of editing hundreds of photos!

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