My Mother's Clematis... a few days before the gales flattened it!
(This is a back-Blip.)
Was up to visit my older brother, who was spending a few days with my folks.
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Well, possibly. Was tinkering with the usual film camera, when I inadvertently pressed the combination of buttons that cause it to rewind the film. AARGH! I've only taken thirteen shots.
Now the dilemma. Do I send it off with only thirteen shots exposed, or try and fish the leader out... and risk letting light in on the already exposed film? The later would mean all white, or near white, Blips for several days that I only used that film. I decided to have a go at extracting the leader. Bit of Internet research to find the best way, assuming you don't have one of the gadgets to do it.
Considered buying a gadget, and cursed the camera for not being like my first camera, that you wound the film forward, and eventually backwards... manually.
There were a few methods I found, the wetting the end of another film one, didn't work. Whereas a small piece of double-sided tape on the leader of another film, stuck into problematic spool did the trick, and first time too. Brilliant! Just hope I didn't let any extra light in there. Now put the film back in the camera and wind-on at least thirteen shots. Fifteen to be sure.
The back of the camera won't close. "Oh no. What have I done wrong?" It took a while to find the cause. A tiny little bit of plastic under the spool, was stopping it from sitting in there correctly. "But where did that come from?" Traced it to one of the two plastic catches on the back of the camera. "Oh GREAT! Now the back will only be held by one very small, and flimsy looking bit of plastic. That's not very good Nikon!" More Internet research reveals that replacement backs are available for this model... you can guess why! But as there almost £50, I'll try my luck for now.
Of course now, I don't know if I'm just wasting my time with the rest of the spool. I'll be a little more carefree for the remainder. Well, maybe...
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