I bought this windchime sometime back. It was on sale for 25% off. It was supposed to light up because it was solar but never did. I took all the windchimes down during the hurricane and when the hubby and I put them back up, he commented on the fact that this one never lit up.
Hubby: How come this never lights up if it's solar?
Me: I could never get it to work - it was on sale and cheap - probably
just broken.
Hubby: Hmmm! Let me look at it.
Me: Sure, but I bet that's why it was so cheap.
Hubby: Did you know there was a switch to turn on?
Me: No, I never saw it.
Hubby: Well babe, I'm going to flip the switch and see what happens.
And there you go, it lights up at night!
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