Crawley Woods
I am starting to feel the need to do another series of images re our local bit of urban bushland. But as colour images, using only one Hipstamatic film type - in this case the Blanko Freedom 13. It can give one a distorted colour image that I find quite appealing, even though I knock it back a bit in Lr. The above image maybe the start of this series. I will probably keep it small though - maybe only 5 or 6 images. Depends on how it develops.
My Dark Pathways series is finished and if anyone is interested it can be found here Blog
At this point I don't have much to say about the above image except I really like it. The thing about working in series is that the conceptual stuff develops as the series of images themselves develop. I also try and conceptually link it to a passage of poetry. I read George Seferis, Paul Celan, T.S. Eliot, Rilke, Ingeborg Bachmann, Sylvia Plath, and of course, being a Welshman, Dylan Thomas. Its all fascinating and wonderfully engaging.
I should make a disclaimer I guess, in that conceptual issues, for me, in my drawing and painting, and now photography, has always taken precedence over technical issues.
The above image was taken with the iPhone 4s using the Hipstamatic 256 app, John S lens and the above mentioned film.
Melbourne Storm won the NFL Grand Final today. This is so wonderful. Swans yesterday, and Storm today. Life is good!
Bigger version here.
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