What a mad busy week . Out very early with Hubs to drive to Cork university (UCC) for the international still birth weekend conference . I was really regretting booking in for this as I'd already had a mad busy week, but I'm so glad I went . Terrific high quality speakers , research and presentations , reflecting all sides and aspects . The eloquent, brace and raw emotion from bereaved parents at the end had the whole theatre chocked up and crying - very appropriately too.
I caught up with so many colleagues and made new friends, but most importantly I learnt lots about lots .
It stirred up memories for me , although I'm lucky that they've been worked through and don't hurt anymore, however I was v glad we were staying the night with good friends in their cosy welcoming home and surrounded by their wonderful warm caring love. We did have a glass or two , ate too much and laughed a lot . Normality resumed !

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