Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Northern Flicker

This is Saturday's blip....

I have to admit that it's nice to be home even though I hated leaving the mountains.  It has been cool and rainy on and off, a perfect day to unpack, do laundry and get reorganized.  This shot is through the window so not the sharpest but I didn't really have much time for photography.  This bird has characteristics of both the red and yellow shafted Flickers so it must be a hybrid.  I started noticing them last year.  My daughter picked me up in the afternoon and we went to the movies to see "IT".  It was pouring rain by the time we got there and her umbrella was broken so we got soaked had to run between the drops.  Anyone who knows the story knows that it starts in pouring rain so it really set the mood.  Unfortunately, we were disappointed in the movie and thought the one made for TV several years ago was better.  It was nice hanging out together and pigging out on popcorn and candy, though. ;-)

Thanks to everyone who has visited and sprinkled stars and hearts the past few weeks while my comments have been off.  I'm going to post today's blip now and then turn my comments back on.

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