Escape to the country

A weekend of getting back to basics (accommodation wise that is) but all things come to an end.

This a view of the Chartist cottage (sort of early Good Life) from the orchard, near Bromsgrove. The cottage with the barn in the foreground, which contains what can loosely be described as a kitchen - sort of. It's quite amazing crossing to the barn to make a cuppa in the early hours of the of the morning, gazing up at the myriad of stars - even a shooting star! Unfortunately the light pollution from nearby Bromsgrove spoiled the full effect but never the less.

Not much in the way of mod cons, no wifi, no phone reception, no TV and the toilets and shower are in a block about 30 yards down the drive but still comfortable.

The Rabbits chasing each other around the orchard and two fine sunrises and a sunset were more than worthwhile.

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