
By RadioGirl

Friday 22nd September 2017

Keen to get up to speed (pun intended) on the new scooter, Mum decided to go round to her friend Hazel's on it in the morning instead of in the car. By the time we had tackled the return trip, she'd turned the speed knob up to 5 (halfway round) and I was walking beside her at a normal pace, instead of so slowly that I nearly fell over. She forgot to turn the speed back down once indoors, and whizzed round the corner in the hallway at quite a lick. Fortunately she negotiated it deftly, avoiding the removal of any lumps of plaster from the wall. So progress is being made.

A dew-encrusted rose in the crisp morning sunlight stopped me in my tracks as I was carrying the recycling out to the garage. A lovely start to the day.

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