
It's 92 degrees outside right now! The temperatures weren't even this hot during the summer, so why they are now, when it's supposed to be fall, is beyond me! The trees are all so dry, and the leaves--I think due to the lack of rain along with the continued warmth--are just drying up and falling off the trees, without their usual fantastic colors! A bit disappointing for someone like myself who loves Autumn the most of any other season!
Tom and I went out to breakfast this morning; he continues to feel well, so we were going to try for a short walk, but the heat just bothered us both so we decided to skip the walk and just head home. The Packers play at Lambeau Field this afternoon--the players will all be struggling in this heat, I'm afraid! After such a great opening game, they lost to the Falcons last week, really struggling both on offense and defense, so I'm hoping they'll come out better today! :)

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