Browsing da African Market

A lovely warm day, up to 30 degrees when the sun was out.  A cooler afternoon and cloudy.  

Up early and off out after breakfast.  We popped along the market this morning and then back to the pool side after.  It clouded over, so I went for a stroll along the beach.  On my way back, I went to feed the chipmunks by hand.  They loved the cucumber most, peerie things :)  A few drinks later tonight.

We headed to town and went to explore the market.  It's an African based market, or so we were told.  Mostly knock off goods at extortionate prices, and I'm no use at haggling.  It was interesting to walk around all the same.  A big African man was intrigued in my ginger beard :)  Peerie Brian on the right.  Taken at Costa Calma, Fuerteventura.  

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