Just a branch
Getting the dates a bit mixed up with my panoramas when it's a backblip - The photo that came up for the 23rd was actually taken on the 19th but the stitching together and posting only got done on the 23rd.
This really is the 23rd's photo and blip!
Today Mr Rat and I went to Aberfoyle so I could run the 10k trail race (nice route through the forest) and he could go for a 20+k run. It was rather grey with low cloud but shortly before the start the sun caught this branch in the river.
Soon after that nell2803 of Nell's World came to say hello and cheer off the start (and took a pic), which was really nice. I had a good run, knocking well over 3 mins from my time 2 years ago and running the 2nd fastest 10k in my life - the fastest being in 1986. I think the cycling is part of what is helping.
We returned home by a scenic route, pleasant even in the greyness.
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