Up Before the Sun

We had to get up really early to catch our flight to NYC; as we took off I could see the sky light up to reveal Mt St Helen & Mt Rainer (See extra for a closer look). I never tire of seeing the big snow covered mountains visible from Portland......on a really clear day it seems like they are really close to the city. 

The plane trip was pleasant and went quickly as I watched 3 movies. But the cab ride from the airport was a nightmare......roads were closed, traffic was awful, our driver was not following the GPS direction on a map app......we were watching on our phone and it seemed like he made several wrong turns and chose the "wrong" lane way too often.....it took us more than 2 hours to get from Newark airport to our hotel in Times Square. 

The  buildings of New York City have lighted advertisements & news screens that are as bright as the Las Vegas Strip. Entertainment was happening everywhere, modern & rap dancing, singing, musical instruments, action hero live statues, cartoon characters and even a big Square Dance party in the park.....set up with bales of hay, tables, country food, carnival games and lots of laughter. Average people of all ages where joining in the fun. Also, saw more policemen walking around or riding horse.....even saw some arrests.......people were waiting in long lines to enter the theaters on and off Broadway. Everywhere we walked the streets were crowded. We sat next to a couple at dinner from a quiet town in the midwest......they were overwhelmed by the busyness and crowds. I have to admit that the crowds were a bit much for us too. But it is exciting to be here and to look up at the skyline. However, it is much warmer than I expected.....86 degrees! I may have to buy some cooler clothes.

Since we start our cruise tomorrow I don't know if I will have much internet access.......so I may have to add Blips late and the results for Tiny Tuesday may be late too. No theme for this next week for TT......so go for those tiny things in macro or not! I look forward to seeing all your photos.

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