
It was raining when I got up but I hadn't realised how much it had rained until I took PD out for a walk.
There were puddles everywhere, the stream was up a lot and the playing fields were flooded (again). But it didn't stop PD deciding that he was going to race about like an idiot for ages after a tennis ball we found ...... or for the council vandals to chew up the grass and playing fields, parks and verges with the grass cutting activities.

One of the lamp standards has been removed from the path next to the playing fields - no idea why.... but I think it might to an idea to replace this one too.

This feather reminded me of a dream catcher. It was near one of the lonely benches so maybe it is helping somebody at point during the day. I just hope anyone using the bench dries it off. As you can from the blip - they would end up with a very wet bum.

I went out picking sloes and brambles this afternoon and have now got them steeping in gin for the end of the year.
I have never tried this before so ....... fingers crossed.

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