Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Morning Coffee comes with a View

Decided to go for a short bike in the morning just spin the stiffness out of the legs, and get a cup of coffee. The weather isn't brilliant, but its supposed to tip it down on Thursday.

So I take me commute bike out for a spin down to Fisherrow. I take my compact camera so I can get me blip as well. I get there just about coffee time. The café I was counting on is shut. I wander along the harbour and take a few shots. The above shot was taken near the harbour mouth. Its low tide, and you can wander out quite far, although you have to watch for the tide starting to turn.

As I head back to the road, I notice a catering trailer in the car park. It sells coffee, quite nice it is too. And the Tunnock's Teacake goes down pretty well. It might not be sunny, but the views are really nice. Can't beat it.

Nice ride home, the wind has dropped a little. Useful as it is all uphill.

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