In the words of...

Troy & Gabriella Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens!! 'We're breaking free'

Massive blip fail tonight...
Col blip- crap
Children blip- crap
Dog blip- crap
Light painting blip- crapitiy crap...

So you have Sweetie trying to bite her way out of her little metal bars, she calls this home?!

Such a nothing day. The girlies went to Joey's for a duvet day of watching films, eating snacks and playing with Leah and Gabs!! They had a fab time...
I should have used this time to do the housework, but I didn't... Instead I went to Saffron Walden for sausages, clothes and toys, Matty's for bread then home to eat, make playlists and walk Puds!!

G&T time now, hurrah!!

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