
By TBay

The visit.

Today Harry met Great Granny for the first time and was a big hit. Much to Great Grannies delight he was more than happy to lie an her lap for about half an hour which was so lovely. He is a very laid back little man thank goodness.

Great granny was brought by Mr Bays brother and wife  so. Little Miss was also delighted to see her great uncle and aunt and great granny too. A lot of greats about today!!

We had a wonderful family lunch welcoming this special little chap into the family and celebrating the fact he will carry the family name and save it for this branch of the family. Another Tbay !

Farming - Two on compost. Weather stopped all other play!

Having said goodbye to the greats we then got ourselves ready for the YFC New  Officer  training evening which we have just both returned from. A good evening with a good turn out. Hopefully they will have learned a little more about their roles!

Time for bed now. Phew!

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