
Are you a boy or are you a girl? For Northern Cardinals, at this stage in their development it's sometimes difficult to tell exactly. My money's on 'Male'! 
I spent some time this morning out in the back yard taking Hummingbird photos. I wasn't out there long because one of the 'gifts' one receives from a hurricane's visit is MOSQUITOS! These tiny bloodsuckers appear as if out of nowhere! So, needless to say, I didn't spend a lot of time on the Hummers. 

Hurricane Maria is still ravaging the Caribbean. My heart aches for all of the destruction that people on those islands are suffering. The entire Island of Puerto Rico is 100% without power and 70% without water. The Island of Dominica (Dominique) has been leveled. It's beautiful rainforests destroyed. If you can possibly donate, please, please, please do! 

And then there's Mexico City. The world holds it's breath as survivors are searched for in the rubble that was apartment buildings and schools. Your thoughts and prayers as well as your monetary donations are desperately needed. 

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