pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

it never happened

I would have spent the whole day slouching on the sofa or having naps in bed, but the thought of not having anything that interesting to take a picture of was too stressful, so I decided to head in to town. I took this picture from the platform at charing x station. Soon after, I decided that I was too hungover tired, and that getting a pizza and heading home was the best solution for me.

On another note, I've really got in to Dr Seuss recently. I try and end every school day with one of his stories for the kids. They are absolutely amazing for adults too. I thoroughly recommend "Have I ever told you how lucky you are?" and "Oh! The places you'll go!" I also came across this quote today, which is really nice I think! "today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered by." Isn't that good? :)

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