Ring O' Bells

In 1997, I had my first and only local contract, when I went to work at Scottish Provident in Kendal. It was a great job, actually; I made some very good friends plus I got to work two days a week in Edinburgh, which was amazing. 

One of the contractors with whom I worked boarded at the Ring O' Bells in Kirkland. I was told - on more than one occasion - that this was the only pub built on consecrated ground in the country, a fact which I had no reason to dispute.

I walked past it today on my way to have coffee with an old friend whom I haven't seen for a few years and I suddenly realised that - in this age of Google - I could finally validate the 'only pub' claim. It turns out it's nearly but not quite true: there is definitely one other but perhaps as many as three. 

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